There is No growth without pressure

No growth without pressure
You know, I choose the path I take.
I choose to, once in a while rigorously change my fate.
I choose to shapeshift, grow and change faces.
I choose to peel away, to embody deeper and richer my soul into the soil of this life....

We want change, we want growth, yet we do not want the pain that comes with it.
We want the lotus, not the mud. When we're in the mud we think we might have done something wrong to get there, we curse and sigh for we have forgotten we chose to grow.

Evolutionary there is no growth without pressure, there is no invention without 'crises', there is no creativity without struggle.

The greatest creaters and creations come from struggle and absolute need for light

So please, next time you feel like a victim, trapped, remember you have great power, there is wisdom in your bones, you are being fermented by darkness and light to break open and expand.

Don't bent your head down low, don't think life has defeated you, life works with you like a farmer does the soil and your soul will ripen and grow

As tall as trees
As beautiful as flowers
And as strong as roots
Surrender & trust


We Shape Heaven on Earth


“Nee mijn zweethut ceremonie heeft geen thema”